Acorn Glue Cups (Treasure)
A great fall activity – turn simple acorn cups into delightful sparkling treasures – gems for your little pirate or princess or tiny tea cups for your fairy garden. These are easy enough for preschoolers to enjoy making – and are fascinating to watch drying. Simply color the insides of acorn cups and “varnish” with white school glue!
Acorn Cinnamon Sun Catchers
These Suncatchers bring the best of fall to your room - they look pretty and the cinnamon used in the project makes your house smell great too! A perfect project to do with toddlers or preschoolers who will enjoy sprinkling the cinnamon.
Pine Cone Owl
These adorable pine cone owls are a fun autumn craft for kids of any age. You can combine this craft with a nature hike to find the pine cones, acorn cups and leaves used in the activity.