
The world of imagination and make believe is so important for children - and there are few things that are more likely to be triggers than prehistoric and mythical creatures. These are the projects where kids can truly let their imaginations run wild and set their creativity free - after all who knows what color dinosaur eggs were, or whether they were glittery? And no-one can dispute that a ghost MIGHT have 10 arms, or that a dragon had 8 wings! And who wouldn’t have fun designing their own monsters - all you need is some splatters of paint and so googly eyes and you are all set!

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Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs!: A Book of Opposites (Boynton on Board)
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National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books)
Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs!: A Book of Opposites (Boynton on Board)
How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight?
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books)
The Egg
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