Growing Apple Seeds
Growing little apple trees from seed is great fun. It is a great experience for kids to be able to take a seed from a fruit that they have eaten and watch it grow into a little tree.
Growing Avocado Trees
Watching the stone from an avocado tree grow is fascinating. Following this method, you can watch the growth of the roots and shoots. They grow incredibly fast with nearly daily changes being noticeable.
Acorn Glue Cups (Treasure)
A great fall activity – turn simple acorn cups into delightful sparkling treasures – gems for your little pirate or princess or tiny tea cups for your fairy garden. These are easy enough for preschoolers to enjoy making – and are fascinating to watch drying. Simply color the insides of acorn cups and “varnish” with white school glue!
Apple Prints
Little Kids will get a real kick out of this project - using a halved apple to make apple prints - along with leaf print leaves. It is a great craft project to welcome fall, to fill a letter A theme or for Back to School Activities. Just make sure you have extra apples so that you have some to munch on as well!
Styrofoam Apple Trees
It's always fun doing apple projects, but particularly so in the fall. Kids can create their own apple laden trees in this project.
Paper Apple Trees
These standing Apple Trees made from a paper bowl and a toilet roll are a bright and cheerful fall project. Apples are a great preschool theme - they compliment units about Letter A, Apples, and Back to School!
Acorn Cinnamon Sun Catchers
These Suncatchers bring the best of fall to your room - they look pretty and the cinnamon used in the project makes your house smell great too! A perfect project to do with toddlers or preschoolers who will enjoy sprinkling the cinnamon.